Documentary on incremental construction in India and DHS

This documentary talks about incremental construction in India and illustrate mHS project Design-Home-Solution. The pilot was sponsored by the DELL Foundation and implemented in partnership with the microfinance institution BASIX. The Video has been produced by mHS for (and with the support of) Universitas Forum, as part of a project to disseminate innovative practices of inclusive […]


mHS CITY LAB is competing for investment in digitally enabled kiosks at OpenIdeo, an innovation platform that wants to answer the question: how might urban slum communities become more resilient to the effects of climate change? See our idea at OpenIdeo


Over 70% of housing supply across Indian cities is self-built by homeowners and with rapid urbanization taking place in highly seismic zones, this poses a serious risk to human life. The level of earthquake readiness thus needs urgent intervention, as evinced from our seismic study in New Delhi.


Our study of New Delhi’s resettlement policy makes recommendations based on an analysis of land titles, access to finance and basic services. Our white paper outlines whether India’s housing policy uses fair assumptions for defining affordability.


Work well to engage communities in redevelopment, as shown by our pilot study in Sundernagari, and our technical assistance product Design Home Solutions.


View an early draft of mHS CITY LAB innovative, easy-to-understand technical manual for masons and homeowners engaged in the self-construction sector, to encourage safe building practices in informal settlements.